Canterbury Photographic Society Presentation

I was honoured to be invited to speak to the Canterbury Photographic Society about my portrait and headshot photography last night. The society meets weekly in the Tyler Hill Memorial Hall and its members shoot a wide range of different types of photos, with a wide range of levels of experience.


Natalie posing for members of the Canterbury Photographic Society


At the event, I spoke about my reasons for becoming a portrait and headshot photographer and how it relates to my erstwhile job as a lecturer in political philosophy. As I told the members, I’ve been wanting to get out of academic life for a while now (the sector has been under attack by the Government for a while now, and my University has long been mismanaged by a number of its executives… rant, rant rant…!), and photography allows me to use a number of the skills developed at the University in exciting, creative ways.

I then talked about my photographic process: from the very first time someone clicks on my website to the delivery of their photos, I want my clients to enjoy their experience with me and feel relaxed throughout. I outlined some of my posing techniques and how I set clients at ease in the photoshoot by drawing out their creativity and personal interests, ensuring that each photo captures their unique personality.

After I’d spoken for a little while (and lots of tea, coffee and many biscuits!), the members who had brought their own cameras along had the chance to take their own photos of Natalie (my partner and model), who had come along to help me with the presentation. Using my lighting setup, backdrop and props, the members got an amazing range of different images, showing that photography is so much more than the tools of the trade.

It was lovely to share techniques and tips with members of the society (the members loved hearing in particular about how I use a ‘pet’ (OK… the lens cap of one of my lights!) as something clients can hold and play with to keep their hands busy during a shoot! In turn, I learned from members how they use strobe lights for different effects during portrait shoots, as I have always used continuous lighting in my photography.

Many thanks to Canterbury Photographic Society for inviting me along to give a talk, thank you for the biscuits, and I look forward to seeing you again!


Natalie posing for the Canterbury Photographic Society

The Canterbury Photographic Society meets at the Tyler Hill Memorial Hall, Summer Lane, every Wednesday from 7.30 - 9.45 pm between Sept and May (except the 3rd Wednesday of the month). All are welcome to attend and enjoy our variety of competitions, talks and evenings when members share whys and how's etc. £5 visitors entry.

— The Canterbury Photographic Society


January 24 Update - I’ve Moved!


How to Professionally Retouch a Portrait Photograph